A call to Maritime Charities Supporting Seafarers
In our commitment to address the Human Element in the maritime industry, IMPA has recently initiated collaborations with maritime charities. Our goal is to raise awareness about the crucial role played by the estimated 1.89 million seafarers who make global trade possible.
As a starting point for this initiative, the 'Community Section' of the International Pilot magazine will now feature content from a maritime charity in each edition at no cost.
The International Pilot's 55th edition includes a special contribution from the International Seafarers' Welfare & Assistance Network (ISWAN), a maritime organisation dedicated to supporting the welfare of seafarers worldwide - The International Pilot - Issue 55 - January 2024 ISWAN.pdf
We invite all interested maritime charities seeking a platform to promote their endeavours to contact Eliane Blanch at e.blanch@impahq.org for more information.