IMO Preliminary Programme of Meetings for 2024
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
MSC 109-13-9 - Comments on document MSC 10913 on pilot transfer arrangements (Marshall Islands, New Zea...).pdf195.19 KBMSC 109-13-5 - Revision of Required boarding arrangements for pilots (MSC.1Circ.1428) (IMPA).pdf912.57 KBMSC 109-13-4 - Assessment of capacity-building implications of amendments to SOLAS regulation V23 and ass... (Australia, Austria, Belgi...).pdf173.34 KBMSC 106-16 - Proposal for a new output to amend MSC.1Circ.1331 to address the safety risk to crew when... (Denmark, Netherlands, ICS...).pdf289.73 KBMSC 104-15-32 - Comments on document MSC 1041523 (IMPA).pdf216.07 KBMSC 99-INF.11 - Improved safety of pilot transfer arrangementresults of safety campaignsurvey (IMPA).pdf753.53 KBMSC 96-23-7 - E-navigation - New output on harmonized Maritime Service Portfolios (Australia, Canada, Finlan...).pdf296.73 KBMSC 95-19-15 - Implementing e-navigation to enhance the safety of navigation and protection of the marine... (the International Maritim...).pdf60.53 KBMSC 94-20-1 - Guidelines on Places of refuge for ships in need of assistance - resolution A.949(23) (Liberia, the Marshall Isl...).pdf100.74 KBMSC 94-9-5 - Comments on the draft circular on pilot transfer arrangements (SOLAS regulation V23.3.3) a... (IMPA).pdf43.73 KBMSC 84-INF.6 - Nautical Institute - Operational Guidance for Mooring (ICS, BIMCO, IAPH, IHMA, I...).pdf232.6 KBMSC 82-21-17 - Sub-Committees on Safety of Navigation (NAV) and Ship Design and Equipment (DE)Work progra... (United States, Brazil and...).pdf145.71 KBMSC 71-22-8 - Preparation of a new report covering all aspects of safety and environmental protection, i... (International Federation...).pdf13.2 KBMSC 71-22-9 - Preparation of a new report covering all aspects of safety and environmental protection, i... (Comments by Turkey on the...).pdf12.8 KB
Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)
MEPC 81-6-3 - Addressing the emerging risks associated with the use of shaft or engine powerlimitation s... (ICS, IMPA and IHMA).pdf148.59 KBMEPC 75-6-10 - Comments on document MEPC 7563 (ICS and RINA) (IMPA).pdf77.79 KBMEPC 74-7-10 - Draft MEPC resolution that invites Member States to encourage voluntary cooperationbetween... (Argentina, Canada, Cook I...).pdf179.92 KB
Facilitation Committee (FAL)
FAL 44-20-5 - Suggestions for possible amendments to the annex of the FAL Convention to ensure the facil... (ICS, IAPH, BIMCO, IMPA, I...).pdf237.44 KBFAL 44-13 - IMO Guidance to address bribery and corruption in the maritime sector (Liberia, Marshall Islands...).pdf80.45 KBFAL 43-17 - Proposal for a new output regarding maritime corruption and the impact on global trade, po... (Liberia, Marshall Islands...).pdf133.29 KBFAL 42-16-3 - Maritime corruption Impact on global trade, port governance and seafarers (ICS, IAPH, ICHCA, IHMA, I...).pdf128.68 KB
Implementation of IMO Instruments Sub-committee (III)
Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue Sub-committee (NCSR)
NCSR 12-INF.7 - Improving the safety of pilot transfer arrangements157.5 KBNCSR 10-16 - Proposed amendments to SOLAS regulation V23 and resolution A.1045(27) (China and IMPA).pdf298.04 KBNCSR 9-INF.7 - Improved safety of pilot transfer arrangementsResults of Safety CampaignSurvey (IMPA).pdf46.64 KBNCSR 8-INF.3 - Improved safety of pilot transfer arrangements Results of Safety CampaignSurvey (IMPA).pdf300.31 KBIntervention by Captain Simon Pelletier at IMO NCSR7.pdf444.2 KBNCSR 7-7 - Draft Assembly resolution (Australia, Brazil, China,...).pdf213.48 KBNCSR 7-INF.17 - Improved safety of pilot transfer arrangementsResults of Safety CampaignSurvey (IMPA).pdf72.13 KBNCSR 6-INF.10 - Improved safety of pilot transfer arrangements Results of Safety CampaignSurvey (IMPA).pdf48.26 KBNCSR 4-24-3 - Comments on the proposal for a unified interpretation of resolution A.1045(27) on Pilot tr... (International Maritime Pi...).pdf43.05 KBNCSR 4-INF.3 - Improved Safety of Pilot Transfer ArrangementsResults of Safety CampaignSurvey (IMPA).pdf38.46 KBNCSR 3-25-2 - Pilot transfer arrangements (SOLAS regulation V23.3.3) (IACS and IMPA).pdf52.19 KBNCSR 1-24-2 - Comments on IACS Unified Interpretation Pilot Transfer Arrangements (SOLAS regulation V23.... (IMPA).pdf43.48 KB
Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping Sub-committee (HTW)
HTW 7-4-1 - Proposal for a revised IMO checklist for considering and addressing human element issues a... (ICS, ICMA, IMPA, IFSMA, I...).pdf582.84 KBHTW 6-7-2 - Review of the Checklist for considering human element issues by IMO bodies (MSC-MEPC.7Circ... (ICS, OCIMF, IMPA, IFSMA,...).pdf85.94 KBHTW 3-INF.5 - Information on a joint Education project (MAIIF and IMPA).pdf136.62 KB
Ship Design and Construction Sub-committee (SDC)
COMSAR 16-11-2 - Comments on the Report of the Correspondence Group on e-navigation to COMSAR 16 (Liberia, the Marshall Isl...).pdf23.63 KBDE 47-8-1 - Anchoring, Mooring And Towing Equipment (IMPA, OCIMF, INTERTANKO,...).pdf107.57 KBDE 55-21 - Improved safety of pilot transfer arrangements - results of safety campaignsurvey (IMPA).pdf26.35 KBHGDM 2-5-1 - Draft descriptions for Maritime Services developed by WMO, IHO, IMPA and IALA (WMO, IHO, IMPA and IALA).pdf2.43 MBHGDM 2-5-1-Rev.1 - Draft descriptions for Maritime Services developed by WMO, IHO, IMPA and IALA (WMO, IHO, IMPA and IALA).pdf2.44 MBNAV 47-6-1 - Training And Certification Of Maritime Pilots AndRevision Of Resolution A.485(Xii) (International Maritime Pi...).pdf30.39 KBNAV 49-6 - Nchoring, Mooring And Towing Equipment (IMPA and OCIMF).pdf107.07 KBNAV 50-6-1 - Anchoring, Mooring And Towing Equipment (IMPA, IHMA and IAPH).pdf114.6 KBNAV 50-INF.6 - Pilot Ladder Safety (IMPA).pdf143.4 KBNAV 54-INF.4 - Results of 2007 Safety Campaign (International Maritime Pi...).pdf35.59 KBNAV 56-INF.12 - Improvement of Pilot Transfer Arrangements (IMPA).pdf25.62 KBNAV 57-9-1 - Navigational accidents whilst under pilotage - Comment on document NAV 579 from the Bahama... (IMPA).pdf36.83 KBNAV 57-14 - Results of Safety CampaignSurvey (IMPA).pdf25.96 KBNAV 57-14-1 - Required Boarding Arrangements for Pilot - Revised Poster (IMPA).pdf421.41 KBNAV 58-INF.3 - Observations on IMO's e-navigation strategy (IMPA).pdf141.36 KBSTW 32-4 - Training And Certification Of Maritime Pilots AndRevision Of Resolution A.485(Xii) (International Maritime Pi...).pdf36.46 KB